A safe space for children to learn and grow.

Equanimity ABA

No Waitlist ABA

Get accessible and personalized ABA therapy for your kids

Our approach

Equanimity is dedicated to fostering your child's unique abilities and independence through customized ABA therapy programs. Our highly skilled therapists meticulously track your child's progress, ensuring a tailored approach that yields tangible results you can truly appreciate. We are proud to collaborate with all major insurance providers, making our services accessible and convenient for your family's journey.

Our Services

Why Equanimity?

We understand that choosing ABA therapy for your child is a big step. When you partner with us, we become an extension of your family, going the extra mile to ensure your child receives the personalized care they deserve. We're not just passionate about working with children; we deeply respect and value the love and dedication you bring as parents. With over 7 years of experience serving the Pembroke Pines community and surrounding areas, we're here to support your family on this exciting journey of growth and development.

Who do we help?

Equanimity collaborates with schools, regional state-governed programs, and insurance companies to empower young learners of all ages. This includes children with autism, high energy, or a need for focus, helping them reach their full potential.

What Our Clients Say

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